Top 3 lessons from my conversation with Bart van Beuzekom

Peer in episode #64 of the De Gebakken Peren Podcast.

Comfort in Discomfort

You learn by doing something new.

Before starting, you don't know whether or not you can do it.

During it, you still don't know.

Afterwards, you can either glow in your accomplishment, or think back with dread.

Half of the challenge is figuring out how to do it, and the other half is sitting with the discomfort of not knowing.

Both can be learned.

Having done it once shows you can do it.

Once you've learned that you can get through it "good enough," you might as well aim high!


When your Altruism is Actually for You

All altruistic acts are also self-serving.

It makes you feel good to give to charity.

Seeing the effect of it. Being able to tell yourself the story that you are doing good.

The same is true for activism or impact entrepreneurship.

It's not often, but it’s great when these interests align.

And now, climate change is arriving.

We're not just trying to make an impact to leave a better world for our offspring.

It's already here. We have to live in it too!

I hope that will instigate more urgent action.

Planning Today Today

Can you foresee what's going to be most important to do a month from now?

Not really.

Plus, it's easy to say yes to unimportant things when you don't have to do them now.

This clutters up your calendar so you don't actually have the room today to do what's most important.

But, I still prefer doing Quarterly Reviews (every 6 or 12 weeks).

This way, I do not have to zoom out and select the most important thing to do every day.

Because it's hard work to set aside the pressures of urgency or demands from others.

"Set it and forget it" with respect to plans is mentally efficient.

A good plan includes the alarm bells that are allowed to demand a review of the plan.

The discipline to follow through on a commitment is also freeing.

Plus, there are those things you only notice are important once you don't do them, or have a higher cost once you let them slip.

These would never become my most important thing on the day itself.