You, as an entrepreneur, know all too well that the success of your company depends on many factors. To have only a good product or service is not always enough to thrive.
How do you get your grand idea out there?
On a daily basis you are most likely bombarded with online marketing. Should you invest in a loud online voice too?
Take a step back and see what you already have in your repertoire. That might do the trick.
Be creative
Go for simple and funny concepts to promote your business.
For example peer Ellyne Bierman - Hagen once promised all members of the Skoda Club a cake if they would show up at the Auto RAI convention with their car keys.
The only thing she had to do was write a good ad in the Skoda magazine and buy lots of cake.
People showed up. It was a hit.
The skills of a salesperson
If you know how to sell a product you almost automatically become a better marketeer.
You know what your customer wants, how much they are willing to pay and what they find important.
So: get to know your (potential) customer and their needs. This way you’ll create more focus in your marketing strategy.
Same goes for writing. A good writer can anticipate the needs of the audience.
Think ahead: Who is in my audience? What will they to do with this information?
For example: If you write a press release, make sure it is in the form of a news article. Ready to publish.
Invest in your brand not social media
Yes, social media can be a part of your marketing strategy. Make sure it’s not the only route of reaching (potential) customers.
You do not own social media and these platforms can be fleeting.
Instead of trying to reach a very large group of people by expensive social media advertising, think about how much income you need to cover your costs.
And consider the following alternative.
Reach out to people, former customers or clients. Make them your brand ambassadors.
And very important: give them the tools to tell your story. You do not need a very large group of followers to start a fire.
Invest in your brand, not in quicksand.
In my conversation with Ellyne Bierman - Hagen one of many topics covered was her marketing strategy for Reflower.