Latest Articles - Fresh off the press
Drie lessen van ondernemer Brad Vanstone. Over hoe je een proces aanvliegt met een goed startpunt, je jezelf meeneemt en dat de wereld niet stilstaat.
Seth Godin noemt het The Dip. De fase die zich in elk moeilijk project voordoet, na het initiële enthousiasme en voor het echt succesvol bestendigen.
Een fase waar je je kunt afvragen: “Gaat dit nog wel lukken?” Hoe weet je of je dan door moet zetten en simpelweg nóg niet bij het eind van een lange weg aangekomen bent, of dat je té koppig bent en trekt aan een dood paard.
Drie tips om in groene actie te komen voor de aarde. Het klimaatprobleem is groot en echt. Laat je dat niet ontmoedigen. Er zijn namelijk zeker wel klimaatoplossingen waar jij aan bij kan dragen. Van Nadine Maarhuis leerde ik hoe zelfs de cynicus dat kan doen. Ze schreef er een boek over.
12 tips on how to flow into your break more smoothly and replenish your energy.
Knowing when enough is tricky. Tracking the right things helps.
Ben je een impactondernemer? Genoeg die dat denk ik zijn die er toch over twijfelen. Dus tijd voor een definitie.
Rephrased insights I couldn’t bring across right during my interview, where Arnout interviewed me. About: Interconnectedness, Starting a Company, Ideal co-founder.
Some insights about trust, loyalty and the significance of real engaged conversation I got from Steven Borghouts on de Gebakken Peren podcast.
Some insights about taking care of yourself in present time and the future from my conversation with Arnout Visscher.
Our high CO2-levels are causing climate change. But they’re not the root cause, they’re als a symptom. A symptom of a system and our drive to use what we get from nature to create more and more. We need deeper change. Manu Busschots coach and creator of Klimaatgesprekken shares his vision.
The calendar says you should be ready to go. But perhaps you don’t feel like it. You’re not alone. Winter is still here. A good time for rediscovering yourself and for re-activation.
3 valuable lessons from my conversation with Helene Spork of Get in Place about trusting people, your heart and mind.
There are numerous reasons why we don’t accomplish our goals.
In this piece, I’m not talking about lack of luck or money. Or the lack of thé brilliant plan or insight.
Bad planning can be a cause of misery in itself. It can cause a vicious cycle.
Here are the 6 things that are most important to get right and often forgotten.
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The 7 reasons you might find it scary to reach out to your potential customers and how to deal with the scaries.
The 9 reasons you resist picking a niche and how to deal with them. By choosing a niche you get to make high-value solutions, become thé person to call. It allows for a clearer brand and specificity in your communication. And you free up mental capacity and get to see a clear path to making your business succeed.
Our culture demands growth, but personal and in business. Of course it’s up to you. You do not have to follow a growing path. If you choose to however, here are some ways you can achieve it in a sensible and effective manner.
I've discovered podcasts in 2013 when someone I followed was a guest at the Unmistakable Creative podcast. It turned out to be a gateway-episode, because since then I was hooked. These are my favorites.
The 8 hard things about entrepreneurship. See them coming and learn how to deal with these.
What type of entrepreneurship are you in?
Entrepreneurship is a big term. A bit too big. Knowledge or advice about entrepreneurship is inherently only applicable to some of it.
By breaking it up into the two main and very distinct types, it helps you see more clearly what the right strategy and path for growth is. And to know what not to do.
So, which one are you? Are you a "Freelancer" or an "Entrepreneur"?
I find choosing and committing difficult. I know why it's important, but I keep coming up with counter-argument and excuses. I wrote a letter to myself for mental support. Hope it helps you too.
Defining a niche, focusing your work on specific people, picking specific goals. It all keeps coming back when I listen to successful entrepreneurs.
Now, I don't particularly like focusing. I like flexibility, options, variety. But even I have come to believe it good for you business and growth.
Here are the 10 reasons why you should define your niche, especially when you're just starting out.
Funny thing, I already wrote about the why. But when writing about the how, I realised I had more to say.
Onze gehele welvaart is afhankelijk van het hebben van een goedkope energie. We zijn blind geworden voor de mate waarop dat waar is.
De laatste paar honderd jaar hebben we de paar honderd miljoen jaar opgeslagen energie van zonlicht verbruikt. Deze raakt op en we zullen moeten overstappen.
Maar wanneer je deze vijf verschillen tussen de fossiele bronnen en de hernieuwbare bronnen meeneemt wordt duidelijk dat omschakelen best een opgave is.