
FastCompany - Why is something funny, and why should we care?

FastCompany - Why is something funny, and why should we care?

If you click just one thing, let the clips in this article brighten your day. Why are some things funny? This article offers 4 theories (Superiority, Relief, Incongruity and Benign Violation). Reminds me of Scott Adams (of Dilbert) saying that to be funny a story should include 2 of the following 6 elements: Clever, Cute, Bizarre, Cruel, Naughty or Recognizable.

Brain Pickings - Telling Is Listening (Ursula K. Le Guin)

Brain Pickings - Telling Is Listening (Ursula K. Le Guin)

One of Maria’s favorites. Wait? Amoeba sex holds the key to communication? That talking and listening are ultimately the same thing. That listening is not a reaction, but a connection to join into.