10 Learnings from 10 Years of Brain Pickings
Brain Pickings is quite the inspiration to me. I love this labor of love. And to sustain something like it for a decade is impressive to me. Here are the 10 lessons Maria Popova distilled over that time period and her 10 favourites that fueled them. #6: “Presence is far more intricate and rewarding an art than productivity.”
Jordan Harbinger - The 5 Incredible Things To Do To Live A Charmed Life (by James Altucher)
Chris Sacca's commencement address at the Carlson School of Management
Sacca is a sort of investor wunderkind. One of - if not - the most successful ever. He also looks in no way like an investor. Here he shares 7 lessons to the just graduated students. (1) Ctrl-Alt-Delete: Start with a clean slate. (2) Be present: It makes every experience better and richer. (3) Play offense: What's YOUR to-do list? And more!
Ryan Holiday - I Just Turned 28: Here’s What I’ve Learned In Another Year
A yearly post about the lessons he has learned that past year. He is “only” 28 but has already done a boat load of stuff. Very cool lessons. Like: "Thinking you already know is the most dangerous attitude.” Or: "Ego is the fundamental problem in almost everyone’s life” And: "They weren’t kidding about that meditation shit”. And of course “Just never buy dessert. It will disappoint.” The very last one on his list is actually the hardest for me.
Srinivas Rao - Things I’ve learned from writing over a million words in 5 years
Ik vermoedde al een beetje dat er iedere maand wel iets van Srinivas bij zou zitten. Deze keer weer een blogpost. Hij heeft een practice. Iedere ochtend schrijft hij 1000 woorden. Geen hoger proza. Simpelweg z’n gedachten de vrije loop geven. Dit ordent zijn gedachten en maakt patronen zichtbaar. Hier wat hij van al dat schrijven geleerd heeft en hoe het hem veranderd heeft. Mooie les ook: set yourself to succeed!