
Ryan Holiday - To Everyone Who Asks For ‘Just A Little’ Of Your Time: Here’s What It Costs To Say Yes

Ryan Holiday - To Everyone Who Asks For ‘Just A Little’ Of Your Time: Here’s What It Costs To Say Yes

Schedule your most important work first. Then, if and only if there is some time left, maybe say yes to these requests.

Nicole Lipkin - The one productivity killer you’re overlooking

Nicole Lipkin - The one productivity killer you’re overlooking

“Our intolerance for boredom is one of the primary reasons our productivity suffers. The phone or Facebook are just secondary causes. Before we check Facebook we are bored.” Increasing you “boredom stamina” will allow you not to reach for a quick fix.

HBR - What you’re hiding from when you constantly check your phone

HBR - What you’re hiding from when you constantly check your phone

A split second of time without something to do. Bam. Need. Phone. Now! Just a mechanism to hide from the moment. Hiding from the uncomfortable unease, sadness or pain that may be there. But maybe we can reframe this addiction. View it a practice to become better at focussing. Notice the unease. And sit with it for a second. You’ll train your focus muscle that is great for creativity. And you’ll feel better for it. 

Ryan Holiday - 31 Ways To Get More ‘Deep Work’ Accomplished

Ryan Holiday - 31 Ways To Get More ‘Deep Work’ Accomplished

Sure. Interaction is good. And yes. multitasking has its uses. But some tasks need deep work. Intense concentration and cognitive focus to make real progress. Problem is, we’re more and more being conditioned into shallow work. Here are 31 ways Ryan Holiday uses. Some are: Scheduling distractions, getting off-grid and practicing it.

Coding Horror - Rubber Duck Problem Solving

Coding Horror - Rubber Duck Problem Solving

Remember that feeling. In class. When you raised your finger to ask a question. And just when you started speaking it, you thought of the answer? In earlier newsletters, I’ve shared articles about questions. How great questions can shift the way you look at a problem. But the power goes further. Just thinking about a question and working to phrase it better can help you figure out the answer. So, when you don’t know the answer, try to explain the question out loud to your rubber duck.

Robyn Scott - The 30 second habit with a lifelong impact

Robyn Scott - The 30 second habit with a lifelong impact

Productivity hacks are all around on the internet. But just reading about them doesn’t make you more productive. So I’m going to experiment with a few. In these two articles there are 4 tips for productivity:
The 20/20/20 formula - Start your morning with 20 minute blocks of exercise, prioritizing and learning.
The 90/90/1 rule - For 90 days, spend the first 90 minutes of your day on your number 1 priority
The 60/10 method - Work in 60 minute sprints and relax for 10. You can use Pomodoro for that.
The 30 second habit - Take 30 seconds after every meeting to write down the most important points for retention.

Robin Sharma - The Methods for SuperHuman Productivity

Robin Sharma - The Methods for SuperHuman Productivity

Productivity hacks are all around on the internet. But just reading about them doesn’t make you more productive. So I’m going to experiment with a few. In these two articles there are 4 tips for productivity:
The 20/20/20 formula - Start your morning with 20 minute blocks of exercise, prioritizing and learning.
The 90/90/1 rule - For 90 days, spend the first 90 minutes of your day on your number 1 priority
The 60/10 method - Work in 60 minute sprints and relax for 10. You can use Pomodoro for that.
The 30 second habit - Take 30 seconds after every meeting to write down the most important points for retention.

Jamie Varon - Hey, Internet: Stop Trying To Inspire Me

Jamie Varon - Hey, Internet: Stop Trying To Inspire Me

Yep, on the internets it always seems like everyone is up to something far more epic than you. But, never forget that you should only compare yourself with yourself! Live in the now and ask what you can do better now! Ok, big message in a light packaging.