(un)Conference Peren - 14 maart
Voor missie-gedreven ondernemers. Netwerken, maar dan leuk. Gefaciliteerd samen komen om elkaar verder te helpen.
Bring your work to the next level at one of the upcoming events!
Voor missie-gedreven ondernemers. Netwerken, maar dan leuk. Gefaciliteerd samen komen om elkaar verder te helpen.
Voor missie-gedreven ondernemers. Netwerken maar dan leuk. Gefaciliteerd samen komen om elkaar verder te helpen.
Woensdag 11u, een Call met Proactieve Creatieven.
Creatief ondernemers (zij het evenement, trainers, creatives, cultuur) zijn als geen ander geraakt door de maatregelen die het coronavirus nu vragen. Dat vraagt proactiviteit, dat vraagt slimme brainpower, dat vraagt samenzijn.
11:00 Inchecken "Hoe gaat het nu echt met je en wat is je hoop voor de komende maand?"
11:20 - 12:00 Intervisie: 1 of 2 uitdagingen centraal en we doen een intervisieronde hoe hiermee om te gaan (vraag verhelderen en slimme adviezen van de rest).
12:00 Rocken met hernieuwde energie in de wereld.
Dus heb je een case of help je graag je collega, ik zie je woensdag! Schrijf je hieronder in, dan stuur ik je dinsdag de link!
Photo by Elena Koycheva on Unsplash
Level-up your business. Become as business savvy, as you’re a creative genius.
A two-month program, February 1st - March 31st. A blend between offline sessions, online homework. You, together with a cohort.
This program will give you the clarity, confidence and focus to run a successful creative business on your terms.
We'll create a clear vision for your business. I'll teach you how to structure your business. We'll develop an effective and generous marketing strategy. And, we'll make sure you focus on the most important work done.
Give your dreams the gift of a solid strategy so they can become reality!
It's your business. It's your life. If you could dream, what are you hoping to accomplish with your work (and life)? And if you’re serious about your dreams and your business, why leave it to chance? Sign up for this 2-day private masterclass and develop a strategy!
What we'll cover:
Discover your vision for the future and formulate your goals.
The structure & model of your business, and how to price your products.
Your value proposition, product portfolio, target market, and sales.
Bringing it back to an actionable planning, focus and steps.
Level-up your business. Become as business savvy, as you’re a creative genius.
A two-month program, October 8th - December 7th, for creatives who want to level up their business. A blend between offline sessions, online homework and a cohort.
Gain clarity on what it is you seek to create, how to structure your business, how to set up your marketing effectively and how to get the most important work done.
Give your dreams the gift of a solid strategy so they can become reality!
It's your business. It's your life. If you could dream, what are you hoping to accomplish with your work (and life)? And if you’re serious about your dreams and your business, why leave it to chance? Sign up for this 2-day private masterclass and design a strategy!
What we'll cover:
Discover your vision for the future and formulate your goals.
The structure & model of your business, and how to price your products.
Your value proposition, product portfolio, target market, and sales.
Bringing it back to an actionable planning, focus and steps.
NB: Sign up before May 21st to get early bird discount!!
Give your dreams the gift of a solid strategy so they can become reality!
It's your business. It's your life. If you could dream, what are you hoping to accomplish with your work (and life)? And if you’re serious about your dreams and your business, why leave it to chance? Sign up for this 2-day private masterclass and design a strategy!
What we'll cover:
Discover your vision for the future and formulate your goals.
The structure & model of your business, and how to price your products.
Your value proposition, product portfolio, target market, and sales.
Bringing it back to an actionable planning, focus and steps.
Give your dreams the gift of a solid strategy so they can become reality!
It's your business. It's your life. If you could dream, what are you hoping to accomplish with your work (and life)? And if you’re serious about your dreams and your business, why leave it to chance? Sign up for this 2-day private masterclass and design a strategy!
What we'll cover:
Does your business feel as steady as a house of cards? Need a model for your business? Don't know how much to charge? Can't see the wood for the trees? Get some much needed structure in your business.
You'll learn about the different types of entrepreneurship, their different business models, and growth paths. We'll lay out a blueprint for your business that you can trust in. And I'll teach you how to price your products or services given your business model.
Even if you're not a wizard with numbers, I'll help you understand the money streams in your business using my simple financial framework. We'll formulate your business case and your metrics for success.
If you could dream, what vision of the future do you want to bring into the world?
What's yours to do in this world?
What's your purpose and your why behind what you do?
Join this Open Masterclass on these 3 important questions.
It's so cheap, I'm practically giving it away!
Give your dreams the gift of a solid strategy so they can become reality!
A new year. 2018. If you could dream, what are you hoping to accomplish this year?
And if you’re serious about your dreams and your business, why leave it to chance? There are no guarantees in life, but a solid strategy greatly increases your chances of hitting the mark!
Give your dreams the gift of a solid strategy so they can become reality!
A new year. 2018. If you could dream, what are you hoping to accomplish this year?
And if you’re serious about your dreams and your business, why leave it to chance? There are no guarantees in life, but a solid strategy greatly increases your chances of hitting the mark!
Working from purpose gives you energy. It gives you the satisfaction that you’re working towards a higher goal. It gives you piece of mind that you’re on the right track: your path.
Join this masterclass on "Aligning with Purpose; The Curious Way".
What do you want to accomplish with your business? What's the source of energy in your work? Got many ideas and don't know which to start with?
A masterclass on Discovering your Purpose, the Mindset of Curiosity and Aligning your work with your purpose in a mission.
Join me! It's so cheap, I'm practically giving it away!
Sick of procrastination? Sick of coming up with plans that don't result in action?
In this private masterclass (it's you and 5 others maximum), I'll teach you to become more effective as an entrepreneur. We'll do a deep dive to get close to the core of the motivation so your inspiration is always close. And, I'll teach you to build systems that empower you and make your work easier and almost automatic.
In this private masterclass (it's you and 5 others maximum), I'll teach you all about different business models and help you understand all the financial flows in your business. And together we'll make a sound strategy for your business!
More info soon. Pre-register now below.
August 25 is full. BUT! Sign up now for November 10 and skip the waiting line!
The summer gives energy, new ideas and refreshing perspectives. Come back from your holidays and start your work well with this masterclass on "Aligning with Purpose; The Curious Way".
What do you want to accomplish with your business? What's the source of energy in your work? Got many ideas and don't know which to start with?
A masterclass on Discovering your Purpose, the Mindset of Curiosity and Aligning your work with your purpose in a mission.
Join me! It's so cheap, I'm practically giving it away!
How can we continue to practice the Art of Hosting in our contexts?
What work we can do together that serves the needs of the world?
This is an opportunity to (re-)connect to fellow practitioners. It’s a chance to see how others have been practising the methodologies of the Art of Hosting in diverse fields and a space for those who seek new collaborations to explore topics and issues related to one’s own calling.
(Workshop die Tijmen samen met Peter Clausman van de School of Mavericks geeft)
Bevrijd jezelf van ‘Dit is hoe we het nu eenmaal doen’
Hoor jij ook regelmatig ‘dit is hoe we het nu eenmaal doen hier’? Breek hier doorheen met de masterclass Disruptive Mindset en leer in een aantal praktische stappen uitdagingen radicaal en vernieuwend aan te pakken.
Hier leer je de aanpak die gebruikt wordt in de meest innoverende bedrijven zoals Google X Labs en door Elon Musk van Tesla.
What are you shooting for? What is your roadmap to take you there?
Back by popular demand! De strategiedagen. De zomer is voorbij! En het is tijd om na alle rust weer lekker te gaan bouwen. Laat je hosten in een tweedaagse strategiesessie om je ideeën om te zetten in doelen en strategieën.
Zonder doel mis je altijd. En een doel zonder strategie is slechts een droom. Zowel met misschieten of als dromen is niks mis. Alleen je kunt niet verwachten dat je die doelen dan bereikt. Dus doe mee met deze strategiedagen!
June 11th - 13th 2015 Knowmads Business School & De Universiteit hosted a three day innovative training in the Art of Hosting. With a calling question: "How do we build the capacity to lead from a place of connection to self and others in order to create positive change?"
Kom luisteren naar de verhalen van mensen die deden wat eng leek maar ze moesten doen. Laat je inspireren, krijg weer lef om te gaan staan voor waar je in gelooft. Maak de Maverick in je wakker.
Ze vertellen hun persoonlijke verhaal, over de lessen die ze geleerd hebben, de obstakels, hun pieken en dalen. Open je oren pak je notitieblok en zorg dat je niet in dezelfde kuilen hoeft te vallen als zij deden.
Hoe zorg je nu dat je echt jouw volle potentie kan zijn, en groter dan je functie beschrijving? Dat begint door jezelf goed neer te zetten en voor iets groters te gaan staan. Door jouw drive en purpose onder woorden te brengen en ze op de juiste manier over het voetlicht te brengen, kan je jezelf sterk positioneren. Deze sterke positionering - een eigen ‘branding’ opbouwen - is de basis om als Maverick succes te boeken.
Ergens voor gaan staan en uitspreken waar je in gelooft. Het is net zo spannend als krachtig. Maar stel je eens voor dat je volledig spreekt vanuit jouw integriteit en je verlangen? Wat doet dat met jou en met anderen?
Dan hoef jij opeens niet meer om anderen heen. En kunnen anderen niet meer om jou heen. Ineens heb je je niet meer aan de regels te houden. Maar bepaal jij de spelcondities. Wanneer je volledig integer spreekt dan resoneert dat zo met anderen dat ze je willen gaan helpen.
Art of Hosting Karlskrona is a 3-day training event designed to help you learn simple, yet powerful processes that build community, activate collective intelligence and foster individual and collaborative leadership practices.
Wij zijn van mening dat 80% van die barricades in je hoofd zitten en niet in jouw omgeving. En daarnaast, je omgeving is een bewegelijk iets. Jij kan die vormen! En dat begint allemaal bij je mindset. Daar ligt de sleutel. Einstein zei het al: “You cannot solve a problem with the same level of thinking that created it in the first place”. Je hebt een Disruptive Mindset nodig!
De wereld verandert steeds sneller. Iedere 5 jaar is het model waarop we de wereld indelen weer volledig over de kop gegaan. Je mogelijkheden en verwachtingen staan daarmee dus ook niet vast. De mindset dat je jezelf kunt blijven ontwikkelen is daarbij het grootste goed. Blijven leren is een must!
What are you shooting for in 2015? What is your roadmap to take you there? Begin je jaar goed! En zet je voornemens om in strategie en actie! Laat je hosten in een tweedaagse vol reflectie & interactie om tot je jaardoelen en strategie daartoe te komen.