3 lessons on reflection, resting and seeing clearly.

Here again are three lessons. Every two weeks I share lessons and tools from my work as a coach, host of mastermind groups and podcast conversations.

Seeing Clearly

A death of a loved one can help us see how short life is.

How little some things suddenly matter.

Why we should put up with a drag?

Steven Lammertink saw, in such a period, that so many things of his life and business were not how he wanted it.

It was a hard and sad situation obviously.

The small gift from it was that it gave him the clarity and energy to demand more.

Not simply bigger, more productivity or more money.

But more in line with how he wanted it.

Here’s to a period of reflection over Christmas and New Years, so that hopefully you can have the insight without the hardship!

This is one of the 21 lessons from de Gebakken Peren Podcast episode 66.

Listen to my conversation with the Cirqle founder Steven Lammertink.

End of year reflection: Wall of Wonder

Tuesday is my end of year reflection with my entrepreneur mates. I think this is the 8th year we’ll be doing this.

It doesn’t get old. But rather gets more valuable every year.

We use the afternoon to go over the whole year together but by ourselves. Calendars, pictures, notes, bookkeeping, emails. All inspiration.

From it we create visual representation of the year: A Wall of Wonder. We try to uncover themes, learnings and intentions for the next year.

After dinner, we share ours one by one. Each shares the story of their year for about 20 minutes and everyone gives their reflection on it.

A long nurturing day.

Here’s a complete description of the exercise.

Highly recommended to create this for yourself and/or with a group!

Cheers to you: Gijs Deckers, Job Kahmann, Joost den Boon, Mara Verduin en Marien Baerveldt.

📔 Wayne Muller: Sabbath - Restoring the sacred rhythm of rest

Speaking of Marien Baerveldt gifted me this book. Perhaps a hint ;).

The first chapter already rang so true and hit hard. The violence we do to ourselves with the never ending busyness we pursue.

No natural system functions or can function in such a way. It all needs rest to balance out the activity. We shouldn’t forget that that does include us.

Here’s to more moments of rest.

Not just holidays. Not in order to productive later. Not to be smarter. But to be whole.

Tao te Ching: “Who can make the muddy water clear? Let it be still, and it will gradually become clear.”