Noah Bradley - How I became an artist (The 12 year journey of my art thus far)

Noah Bradley - How I became an artist (The 12 year journey of my art thus far)

Very cool to read his journey of becoming an artist. Following a very non-liniear path with many twists and turns. Seeing the progress he makes in his work visually (lot of pictures included) is especially cool and re-emphasizes the importance to always keep developing yourself!

Jamie Varon - Hey, Internet: Stop Trying To Inspire Me

Jamie Varon - Hey, Internet: Stop Trying To Inspire Me

Yep, on the internets it always seems like everyone is up to something far more epic than you. But, never forget that you should only compare yourself with yourself! Live in the now and ask what you can do better now! Ok, big message in a light packaging. 

Seth Godin - Back to (the wrong) school

Seth Godin - Back to (the wrong) school

Old but still relevant! "Large-scale education was never about teaching kids or creating scholars. It was invented to churn out adults who worked well within the system.” And to increase student loan debts perfectly fits into that plan. You’re less likely to rebel or revolutionize if you have to pay off a huge debt.

Lauren Modery - Dear people who live in fancy tiny houses

Lauren Modery - Dear people who live in fancy tiny houses

This one just cracked me up! "Do you ever wake up wondering, I’ve made a huge mistake?”. I love how the tiny house community reacted to this post. "Mexican food farts. Yes they exist. Everywhere. Tiny house or not.” "As far as sexy time is concerned, a lady never tells. But I will say, if this Tiny House is a rockin’, don’t come a knocking!"

Ryan Holiday - I Just Turned 28: Here’s What I’ve Learned In Another Year

Ryan Holiday - I Just Turned 28: Here’s What I’ve Learned In Another Year

A yearly post about the lessons he has learned that past year. He is “only” 28 but has already done a boat load of stuff. Very cool lessons. Like: "Thinking you already know is the most dangerous attitude.” Or: "Ego is the fundamental problem in almost everyone’s life” And: "They weren’t kidding about that meditation shit”. And of course “Just never buy dessert. It will disappoint.” The very last one on his list is actually the hardest for me.

Unmistakable Creative - The Instigator Compass

Unmistakable Creative - The Instigator Compass

Without having a plan for the outcome, this writing project turned into a beautiful collection of essays on finding a compass in creative work. A compass that is needed in the life of any artists (writers, entrepreneur, painters etc) when shit gets messy, hard and complex. Firstly finding work that matters. Then about the grit needed to see it through and actually make something worthwhile. Lastly about how to make art that touches hearts. Go! “Forever is a long time to play it safe"

Mark Manson - 7 Strange Questions that help you find your Life Purpose

Mark Manson - 7 Strange Questions that help you find your Life Purpose

Questions help guide your brain in inquiry. And finding the right questions is a powerful way to make it easier to let the answers find you. Questions like “What should I do with my life?” or “What is my life purpose?” are utterly hard to answer. But “What can I do with my time that is important?” is way more manageable. That why Mark Manson came up with 7 strange question to help you find your life purpose. First one: "What’s your favorite flavor of shit sandwich and does it come with an olive?"

Wait But Why - How Tesla Will Change The World

Wait But Why - How Tesla Will Change The World

Another great explanation about the change in climate and its causes is done on Wait But Why. They use words that humans actually use and understand. The article at large is about how Tesla will change the world, but starts off by explaining the problem with gas/petrol cars. I - nerd alert - especially love the graph of where our power is coming from and how it’s used. And the dog in the cave with pork metaphor is hilarious as well.

Eric Roston (Bloomberg) - What’s Really Warming the World

Eric Roston (Bloomberg) - What’s Really Warming the World

Or course, we know there is no debate on climate change among people who know about it. There is an orchestrated perception of a debate. This infographic/article by Bloomberg puts all the potential causes (sun, volcanoes, deforestation, you name it) and their effects on the average temperature in one graph (last 125 years). Very insightful. 

Elle Luna - The Crossroads of Should and Must

Elle Luna - The Crossroads of Should and Must

“Should is how other people want us to live our lives… Choosing Must is the greatest thing we can do with our lives.” "Zou moeten" vs “Niet laten kunnen”. Zou moeten is veiliger, de hele wereld wijst die kant op. Iets wat je voelt te moeten maar wat niemand je vertelt is heel eng! Wat nou als ik gek ben om dat te denken. Dan toch liever de kleine pijn van het zekere. Eigenlijk al genoeg gezegd. Lees dit essay. Ook voor de schitterende illustraties erbij! Brainpickings heeft er ook een mooie post over en ze was onlangs ook op de podcast bij Unmistakable Creative.

Interview with David Graeber - “Bullshit jobs & how bizarrely skewed our economy is”

Interview with David Graeber - “Bullshit jobs & how bizarrely skewed our economy is”

Iemand die de term “bullshit jobs” verzint mag ik natuurlijk wel. Daarnaast legt hij wel mooi de vinger op de zere plekken. Hoe komt het dat hoe meer je werk mensen helpt hoe minder het betaalt ("als het werk al intrinsieke waarde heeft, waarom moet je er dan voor betaald worden?”). En werk is op zichzelf toch iets heel waardevols? Dus doe dan maar druk! En waarom zijn we eigenlijk meer gaan werken in plaats van minder? En waarom is het meeste van al dat extra werk eigenlijk niet echt iets dat waarde toevoegt? 

David Eagleman - Can we create new senses for humans?

David Eagleman - Can we create new senses for humans?

Filmpje!! David maakt apparaten die onze bestaande zintuigen prikkelen met input uit bronnen die we normaal niet waarnemen. "Plug and play devices" waar je brein maar mee uitzoekt wat het ermee moet. Denk aan magnetische velden, de staat van je gezondheid, aandelen koers en emoties van de zaal.

Ethan Siegel - Einstein, Schrödinger, and the story you never heard

Ethan Siegel - Einstein, Schrödinger, and the story you never heard

"How “faith” in the Universe destroyed two brilliant men of genius.” Dit zijn zonder twijfel 2 van de meest revolutionaire wetenschappers ooit. Maar het had niks gescheeld of ze hadden hun doorbraken niet gemaakt. 

Ian MacKenzie - Interstellar and the End of Time

Ian MacKenzie - Interstellar and the End of Time

Eisenstein samen (zie vorige nieuwsbrief). Nu hebben wij westerlingen best een knip en klaar beeld van tijd. Gister, vandaag, morgen. In die volgorde. In Interstellar spelen ze hier nogal mee. Er lijken 5 dimensionale wezens te zijn die de tijd kunnen besturen. 

C.J. Drew - Post-Capitalism: Rise of the Collaborative Commons

C.J. Drew - Post-Capitalism: Rise of the Collaborative Commons

Dit is een deksels lang artikel. Maar oh zo goed. C.J. Dew pakt alle innovaties die eraan komen en extrapoleert stap voor stap hoe een samenleving er daarmee uit kan komen te zien. Internet of Things, decentrale energie-opwekking, peer-te-peer finance, 3d printing, etc.