I help creative and impact entrepreneurs
to gain the clarity and calm to grow a successful business on their terms
by developing their vision, strategy & business model
through training programs, coaching, a podcast and writing.
Because good work unleashed makes the world better!
(un)Conference Peren
I don’t like networking or conferences. But what if I’d design it so that even I’d like it?
All mission-driven entrepreneurs unite! Get together to speed up your progress with ease!
Because running a business and making an impact are already hard enough. No need to do it alone!
A “conference” that feels like a party at your home. Active authentic conversations with only people you want to talk to.

De Gebakken Peren
Eavesdrop in on conversations with entrepreneurs like you.
Entrepreneurship is the best school for your personal development. But you don’t have to learn everything by failing yourself first. Feel free to eavesdrop on my conversations with entrepreneurs like yourself.
Every other week, I interview one of my peers. In these (Dutch) conversations you hear about their journey, their successes and failures. We talk shop. But the conversations are mostly about the person behind the business. What makes them tick? How did they develop in who they are? And what is it like to be an entrepreneurs?

Learn to ask for better rates!
Download the Freelancer Hourly Rate Calculator (v2) and the Hourly Rate Report 2018 now to improve your hourly rates!
I created this, because, too often, I run into freelancers who simply don't know what a good hourly rate is.
NO MORE! Download it now for free. And use it to calculate:
- The rate your need to charge to earn what you want,
- What revenue you need to make in order to earn your income and save for the future,
- How many hours you need to invoice per week to reach your revenue goal.
- What you'd earn when you charge the average rate that others charge in your industry,
What I offer
Looking for help in creating a flourishing business for a better world?
I offer business coaching where business design is the main focus, but in close connection with personal inquiry.
Do you need a check-up, want to design your business around your values, or do you sense it’s time for your business to grow to a next level?
Schedule your session (or an intake call) right now!
Got an incubator with programs on entrepreneurship?
In addition to my own programs, I’ve been or am the trainer in some of the best programs for entrepreneurship in the country: the Business Model Challenge, Food Pioneers Program, Boost je Buurt Program with ImpactHub Amsterdam, Leergang Social Ondernemen of the Utrecht University, the ArtUp Incubator, Cultuur Innovatiefonds Provincie Utrecht, and De Stadstuin Werkspoorfabriek.
I’d love playing a role in yours. Contact me to set one up for your tribe.
My Writing
I write about entrepreneurship, productivity, curiosity and the little weird things about life I've learned. Don't know where to start? Check out my 'best of' selection -> here.
We kennen het. Weten ervan. Maar tóch is het best ingewikkeld.
In dit stuk heb ik het mechanisme en bijbehorende getallen van het broeikaseffect en de ontwrichting van het klimaat uiteen gezet.
Zoals hoe de verschillende broeikasgassen zich tot elkaar verhouden, het effect van ontbossing, en het effect van de klimaatverandering die we al zien.
Hoe uitzonderlijk en hoe belangrijk ons klimaat voor ons was, wat de gevolgen van de klimaatontwrichting zijn, en waar liggen die tipping points eigenlijk?
En, hoeveel reductie van uitstoot moeten we in welk tempo realiseren als we de opwarming tot 1,5 °C of 2 °C willen beperken?
Drie lessen van ondernemer Brad Vanstone. Over hoe je een proces aanvliegt met een goed startpunt, je jezelf meeneemt en dat de wereld niet stilstaat.
Onze gehele welvaart is afhankelijk van het hebben van een goedkope energie. We zijn blind geworden voor de mate waarop dat waar is.
De laatste paar honderd jaar hebben we de paar honderd miljoen jaar opgeslagen energie van zonlicht verbruikt. Deze raakt op en we zullen moeten overstappen.
Maar wanneer je deze vijf verschillen tussen de fossiele bronnen en de hernieuwbare bronnen meeneemt wordt duidelijk dat omschakelen best een opgave is.
Drie lessen van ondernemer Brad Vanstone. Over hoe je een proces aanvliegt met een goed startpunt, je jezelf meeneemt en dat de wereld niet stilstaat.
Seth Godin noemt het The Dip. De fase die zich in elk moeilijk project voordoet, na het initiële enthousiasme en voor het echt succesvol bestendigen.
Een fase waar je je kunt afvragen: “Gaat dit nog wel lukken?” Hoe weet je of je dan door moet zetten en simpelweg nóg niet bij het eind van een lange weg aangekomen bent, of dat je té koppig bent en trekt aan een dood paard.
Drie tips om in groene actie te komen voor de aarde. Het klimaatprobleem is groot en echt. Laat je dat niet ontmoedigen. Er zijn namelijk zeker wel klimaatoplossingen waar jij aan bij kan dragen. Van Nadine Maarhuis leerde ik hoe zelfs de cynicus dat kan doen. Ze schreef er een boek over.
Ben je een impactondernemer? Genoeg die dat denk ik zijn die er toch over twijfelen. Dus tijd voor een definitie.
Rephrased insights I couldn’t bring across right during my interview, where Arnout interviewed me. About: Interconnectedness, Starting a Company, Ideal co-founder.
Take their word for it.
This training has really helped me to tune in with my target audience. My perspective changed from what I wanted to do, to what my customer’s wishes are. I was really able to work on my “story”. And most importantly, I’m now able to relate customer prices with daily income. Of course, my ideals and enjoyment are important to me. But by building a solid financial foundation, they can last sustainably.
Most of all, I enjoyed the free flow of ideas and inspiration during the training between each of the participants and Tijmen. The atmosphere was really honest and uplifting. This is a perfect training for idealistic and socially engaged entrepreneurs who really want to put their ideas into concrete strategies and build a future-proof business.
Anneke Comello - Lovingly Wholesome
It's a very personal short intensive program for small or starting out businesses whilst at the same time including highly applicable tools and plans. It's approachable, conscious, it's fun, and it's the real deal. I hope it helps you.
I feel confident about what I have to do within the next three-six months, I am ever clearer on my group's vision and what we have to offer the world and how we are going to do it.
Since completing the workshop I have continued achieving concrete actions that work towards my smart goals.
I can recommend Tijmen’s Strategy trainings to every ambitious independent entrepreneur. You’ll make a massive leap. All the essential elements got attention, like my mission, vision and way I do acquisition. Moreover, I feel more focus and am done with slacking.
Tijmen has created a unique program with a variety of models and approaches. He has a keen eye for what structure is helpful for you. And, he also helps with amplifying your passion and leadership. Finally, he has found a great way to put you up for the challenge to make you fully commit to your plans for your business.
Marnix Lamers - Nieuwe Waarde Creaties
The program from Tijmen is just great. I really enjoyed it and learned so much. Before we went in, our company didn't really have a direction. But after the program we knew where we want to go and how to sell it. I definitely recommend it.
- Pim Hermans of Studio Pressplay
All the different ideas I had in my mind started to take (a better) shape as the program was developing. And now I know what I need to do.
The experience is engaging, full of information and very reflective. It's also an intense training on empathy and vulnerability, in a good way.
I would say that the program is both for early career entrepreneurs, and for professionals who want to take the next step. This mixture is very beneficial as you get to meet and interact with truly diverse and interesting individuals.
- Constantina Georgiou of Among the Ants
Joining a masterclass is about granting yourself the time to think about the future of your business without the distractions of everyday life. It’s deep and practical. It’s going from chaos to focus. And, even the topics that typically are not the sexiest (looking at you, finance) are covered in a fun way.
Tijmen will help you leap past your fears to choose what your business stands for and who you serve. He’ll challenge and advise you. And, you’ll definitely leave with more energy than how you came in."
- Lianne Bijleveld of Into the New
Getting clear on my values helps align my business. I have more confidence in the future because I know what's important and that my plan is solid.
The coaching sessions kept me on point and aligned. They helped me take action quicker and in the right direction.
Tijmen's style is informal, pleasant and spacious.
- Samuel Beltman of SeoSlim
Tijmen showed me that running a company is more than putting a product out there and hard work. It’s thinking smartly about who you want to serve and how to do so in a way that helps you both!
He calmly explains everything in a way so you get it. The evening, after spending two days with him, I was working with revamped energy and completely fixed up my shop.
- Jasper Jochems of Kildale Bikes
Every once in a while you bring your car to the garage for a check-up. Oil level, alignment, tire pressure, do all the lights still work?
The Strategy Intensive was this for my company and a lot more. And as an extra service, we also looked back at the roads traveled the previous year and the roadmap for the coming period.
I can recommend this engineer whole-heartedly!"
- Freek van der Pluijm of Re-Volt